What is Ghost Hunt?
Ghost Hunt is a 2006 Anime and 1997-2010 Shoujo Manga based on a series of light novels by Fuyumi Oto, the Akūryo series. Ghost Hunt follows the adventures of Mai Taniyama a sixteen year old high school student who after accidentally breaking the camera of a Ghost Hunting Team run by seventeen year old prodigy Kazuya "Naru" Shibuya, gets a part time job working at Shibuya Psychic Research where she, Naru along with a diverse team of spiritualists help people plagued by the supernatural.
Ghost Hunt Canon
Light Novels (1989-1992)
8 Japanese Language Light Novels by Fuyumi OtoAs far as I know only fan translations exist, no official English releases.
The Manga was written by Shiho Inada and first published in shoujo manga magazines Amie and Nakayoshi in the early to mid 1990s after volume five they moved from the serial magazine publishing to a direct-to-tankoban release. There are eleven tankoban volumes. Official English Translations exist in both the US and UK. With an additional volume 12 that covers the Forgotten Children Arc not covered in the anime.The English editions of Ghost Hunt are incredibly hard to get a hold of in stores
Some are available on Amazon
It is however available on Archive.org
A special one off story: Akuma no Sumu Ie by Shiho Inada and Fuyumi Ono was released in 2013. It's a one off case and it is unclear where it fits in the established manga canon.
The Ghost Hunt Anime was produced by J.C Staff Studios in 2005. It premiered Fall 2006. There are 25 episodes. The English Dub is by Funimation.
Why should I watch it?
Because its camp and fun! It has a found family feel to it, It's a shoujo horror that treats its supernatural material with the proper weight and respect. It has a level of Shoujo romance that interferes with the agency of its female cast but it is still a decidedly feminine horror show. Mai is both a everygirl shoujo protagonist and a defined young woman with a lot of heart and depth to her, she acts like a sixteen year old girl in situations, not a mini-adult and I find that refreshing. Also Ghost Hunt has that garbage anime appeal without being completely terrible, if it had been a shounen it would have been unwatchable. Why is one of their experts a 15yo girl? Shoujo Anime. Why is their other experts, an unemployed girlboss Miko in her mid twenties and a 19yo Australian Priest who looks like fucking Olivier. Shoujo Anime babey. Why does the Australian speak only in Kansai-ben? Okay, that I don't know. If you read the manga and learn Naru's backstory it is highly concentrated Violet Evergarden melodrama. The horror elements pull no punches. Japanese imperialism in Hong Kong and Manchuria is inexplicably brought up once and never again. There's a Dracula puzzle. It's campy and shoujo and very touching in places, it addresses teen suicide rates in Japan and the unfair treatment of kids in cram schools
Content Warnings (Anime and Manga):
All Arcs contain horror elements such as blood, death and jumpscares.
All but one arcs have a suicide as part of the plot, the Doll's House Arc involves kidnapping and death of a child as well as implied child endangerment, the After school hexer arc involves: Severe and traumatic bullying of a teenage girl, verbal abuse and mention of suicide, train accidents. The the Mysterious Manor Arc includes: Suicide, Mass Murder, Exsanguination, violence towards women, mention of Japanese Imperialism in China. The Forbidden Pasttime arc includes:Teen suicide, rabid dogs, emotional and verbal abuse of high schoolers. The Forgotten Children Arc includes: Mass child death, car accident, dead pets, grief and death of a family member of the main cast.
There is no sexual content. This is shoujo manga. There is one-sided romantic content, and teenage jealousy depicted.