The Sims

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Legacy Challenges

The Sims 4 being the game that it is a lot of people rely on fanmade challenges to keep it interesting. My favourite and arguably the most popular are the Legacy Challenge and 100 Baby Challenge. The 100 Baby challenge is pretty self-explanatory but a Legacy Challenge essentialy sets out a list of parameters for playing through ten generations of one Legacy Family. Espinosa Legacy Founders Isabel 'Izzy' Espinosa and Gavin Richards

For more typical rules try here. I typically don't play with a lot of rules except for:
• Start with one (or two) founders and an empty lot.
• This lot will be the family's home for ten generations so make it big
•Set your law of inheritance beforehand (firstborn child, firstborn son, parent's favourite etc.)
• You will acquire money and items over time, so you can afford a house.
• Every generations heir gets the legacy surname and has a portrait in the house.
• Play until you get bored.

Kincaid-Patel Legacy (Current)

I started a new legacy to mark the start of 2024. I usually try to choose cultural backgrounds in the founders to keep through the generations and include cultural markers in holidays food and deco.
The founders are Nora Kincaid (she/her) and Kalyani Patel (she/they/he) an interracial interfaith (Irish former Catholic and Gujarati Indian Hindu) lesbian couple who have just bought their first house in Newcrest. Nora is an Artist and Kalyani is a Registered Nurse. They have two children, Nisha (later Nish) (they/them) and Sumati (she/her) Nish is currently a teen and they love playing the piano, they have ADHD and struggle with school but music helps them relax.
Nish is currently dating Sarai Bheeda daughter of Arun and Jesminder. Sumati is a child and has the Mind and Body Aspiration, she likes dancing riding her bike and drawing pictures.

Nora has an older sister Aria Kincaid-Cohen who is married to Nate Cohen with whom she has four children: Alissa, Elijah, Charlie and Asher. Alissa is an adult and married to Adrien Tamimi a townie. The Kincaid-Cohens are Jewish, Aria converted as a young adult.
